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万能私家侦探社是一家连同社长黄若思(许冠文)在内只有三名工作人员的小侦探社,由于生意不咸不淡,加上黄若思为人小气刻薄,员工河豚(许冠英)和积琪(赵雅芝),尤其前者没少遭罪。原在汽水厂上班的李国杰(许冠杰)因工作偷懒被老板解雇,一身好功夫的他来到万能求职,黄若思起初不肯雇用,随后见他的确有两把刷子,应了下来,薪水自然苛刻。  李国杰没来之前,黄若思与河豚搭档侦探的,无非一些风流、偷窃、欺诈事务,这些案件不是每一都能侦破,而侦破的过程常常充满尴尬,远称不上完美,但其时香港社会的百态却一览无遗。他来之后,三人的合作亦是如此。更要命的,是他们常被警探(吴耀汉)误视作不法分子。  几件不大不小的案子,尤其八十岁老翁的娇妻(卢慧芝)在外与人(吴耀汉)偷情一案办过,李国杰显现出比黄若思更强的工作能力,更得客户青睐。某日,黄若思与李国杰受委托来到某家先前被劫匪威胁、现有劫匪出入的戏院,捕捉劫匪的过程中,黄若思被匪首(石坚)的几声枪响吓破胆且负伤,李国杰却凭机智将劫匪制服并收获意外好处,两人身份一时对调。



    欢乐一家亲(新版) 第二季
    Paramount 确认Kelsey Grammer主演的Frasier重启剧将会续订第二季,饰演Roz的Peri Gilpin回归出演,同样回归的还有饰演Bulldog的Dan Butler和饰演Gil的Edward Hibbert
    怪物:梅内德斯兄弟的故事 第二季
    指环王:力量之戒 第二季
    In Season Two of The Rings of Power, Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will. Building on Season One’s epic scope and ambition, the new season plunges even its most beloved and vulnerable characters into a rising tide of darkness, challenging each to find their place in a world that is increasingly on the brink of calamity. Elves and dwarves, orcs and men, wizards and Harfoots… as friendships are strained and kingdoms begin to fracture, the forces of good will struggle ever more valiantly to hold on to what matters to them most of all… each other.
    妙女郎 第二季
    In series one, Barbara from Blackpool realised her dream and became TV comedy star, Sophie Straw, the nation’s favourite. In series two, Sophie finds out that ‘having a voice’ doesn’t mean it will be heard and that fame is a fickle friend.                                                                    Fed up with being the comic muse in old school comedy shows, Sophie tries her hand at arthouse cinema hoping it will be more progressive – it isn’t!                                                                    Undeterred, Sophie decides to create her own comedy show where she can tell authentic stories in all their messy and hilarious glory.  She’s found her voice, and no one can stop her using it! She learns that the power is in the word.                                                                    Funny Woman is produced by Potboiler and Rebel Park Productions, in association with Sky Studios. Executive produced by Nick Hornby, Gemma Arterton, Andrea Calderwood, Gail Egan, Jessica Parker and Jessica Malik.
    范·德·沃克 第四季
    The team is back and ready to tackle more of Amsterdam’s criminal underworld.
    Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case.