本地记录 云端记录


第三季故事开始于第二独立团抵达查尔斯顿七个月后。在此期间,查尔斯顿被指定为「新美利坚合众国」的首都,Tom Mason被推选为政治领袖(相当于总统)。但他大多数时间不是待在办公室里处理政务,还是率领军队顽强抵抗外星入侵者的一次次进攻。与前任Manchester博士比起来,Tom在对待外星人的态度上更具侵略性也更主动。查尔斯顿政府与起义的「突击者」形成了不太牢靠的联盟关系,Tom让「突击者」起义军留在查尔斯顿与人类并肩作战,但这引发了一些人类的不满,两个种族的关系持续紧张。「突击者」起义军在战斗前总是将脸上涂满红黄相间的条纹,以纪念在第二季结尾英勇牺牲的领袖「红眼」。Tom的儿子Ben现在是查尔斯顿政府与「突击者」起义军之间的联络人。无论人类还是「突击者」都明白,他们即便联手也很难打败强大的敌人——此前被第二独立团戏称为「鱼头」的外星种族Espheni。虽然他们的君王已死,但另一个更强大、更邪恶的君王刚刚继承了统治权。更糟糕的是,一个全新的外星种族在双方激战正酣时抵达地球并迅速投身战场。



    双面女间谍 第三季 Alias Season 3
    Having woken up in Hong Kong, with no memory for the last two years (!), Sydney returns to Los Angeles to try to piece together the last two years of her life and discovers the fates of her friends and family: Vaughn has married thinking that Sydney was long dead; Marshall is having a baby with CIA tech expert Carrie Bowman; and Dixon is now the new division head of the L.A. office branch of the CIA. Sydney also learns the shocking fates of Jack and Sloane; the former is in CIA custody for communicating with Irina whom still is in hiding, while the latter is living in Switzerland under house arrest in exchange for co-operation with the CIA. Sydney is granted temporary CIA clearance on a case that may help her regain her memory and she meets a new enemy group called The Covenant.