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    探案新窍门 第三季
    BBC的关于大都会警察局“悬疑旧案”部门的喜剧。小组的头是女DS桑德拉普尔曼,既然是和旧事有关,索性就招聘了3个退休侦探:杰克把死去的爱妻埋在后院每天和她聊天,盖里年轻时有名的花心如今要和三个前妻四个女儿共进晚餐,布莱恩是个强迫症、前酒徒和阴谋论者。标题取自一句老话:“You can't teach meijubar.net an old dog new tricks(老家伙学不来新窍门)”。这帮老家伙却成功地在新时代用他们的经验和技,那些疑难案件正中了看似过时的老窍门的道。
    In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authorities, led by the aspiring clerk Jakub Marczak, bring in Ja?mina Tremer, a female hydrologist with a troubled past, to help save the city at any cost. At the same time, Andrzej R?bacz returns to his hometown K?ty near Wroc?aw, unexpectedly leading the rebellious residents. High Water is a suspenseful, six-episode disaster drama series inspired by the real-life events of the Millennium Flood which hit Poland, as well as parts of Czech Republic and Germany in 1997. Directed by Jan Holoubek and Bart?omiej Ignaciuk, starring Agnieszka ?ulewska, Tomasz Schuchardt, Ireneusz Czop, Marta Nieradkiewicz, Miros?aw Kropielnicki, Anna Dymna and Tomasz Kot.
    深吸一口气,用Netflix最新的原创剧集《Headspace 冥想正念指南》善待你的心灵,开始新的一年吧。   安迪·普迪迪科姆(Andy Puddicombe)曾是一名佛教僧侣,也是广受全球喜爱的Headspace冥想应用的联合创始人。在8集动画的过程中,他带领观众了解了冥想背后的好处和科学。   每集时长20分钟,展示了一种不同的正念技巧,有助于练习冥想-专注于压力、睡眠和放手等主题-并在每一章的最后以指导冥想结束。
    白粉飞 第五季
    A look at the early days of the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles during the beginning of the 1980s.
    白粉飞 第二季
    FX续订《#白粉飞# Snowfall》第二季,预定18年播出。
    The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew.   In Prince Andrew’s disastrous interview with Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis, he explained his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.
    达格利什 第一季
    Acorn TV联手Channel 5制作罪案剧《达格利什 Dalgliesh》,《福斯特医生》的Bertie Carvel饰演标题人物。首季共6集,2集一个故事,12月份将在北爱尔兰开始制作。   本剧由全女性团队打造,改编自P. D. James(图2)的系列小说《Inspector Dalgliesh Mysteries》,将会追溯Dalgliesh从上世纪七十年代的英格兰一直到如今打击犯罪的职业生涯,每个故事都会聚焦他破解一桩不寻常的凶案,发生在不同的地点,有不同的客串人物。   首季的3个故事将分别改编自:《Shroud for a Nightingale》,一名实习护士的死亡;《The Black Tower》,对一间异常的残疾人之家的调查;《A Taste for Death》,一名无家可归的养老金领取者和一名内阁大臣被发现死在一间教堂里。   原...
    外科医生:生命边缘 第二季
    Documentary series going beyond the theatre doors of Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, where surgeons push medical boundaries to the limits.   Every Second Counts   Surgeons have just minutes to perform life-saving emergency trauma operations.   Getting Better   A surgeon removes a woman’s oesophagus and uses her own stomach to replace it.   A New Beginning?   At Birmingham Children’s H...